Outlook 2-Way Sync

Connecting the Outlook 2-Way Sync

Using the 2-Way Sync for Outlook, users can link their Outlook account with their app, to sync emails to and from both platforms.

Both platforms will create a connection when an email is first sent out from the CRM. All subsequent emails in the thread will be in sync between both platforms.

To connect, head over to left-hand side navigation bar:

Settings >

Profile >

Select 'Outlook' >

Click 'Connect' >

Complete the authorisation by entering your Outlook Email ID credentials >

Approve the permissions requested for LeadConnector >

In "Settings" > "My Profile" scroll down to the section "Email (2-way sync)" to view your email in the connection status.

Your setup is complete!

For the 2-way sync to work between your app and your email account,
you need to send am email to a contact from your app to initiate the sync between both platforms.